آکورد آهنگ If I Were A Carpenter

johnny cash
ریتم پیشنهادی 4/4
گام اصلی: C

تغییر گام

ویژه کاربران اکانت پایه لامینور

قابلیت ساده سازی با کاپو برای کاربران اکانت پایه می باشد. با پرداخت ماهانه 20000 تومان از این قابلیت استفاده کنید!

دریافت اشتراک اکانت پایه
ساده سازی با کاپو
D                 C                  G                    D      
If I.. were a carpenter          and you were a lady,

D                             C              G                         D      
would you marry me anyway?      Would you have my baby?

D           C                           G                   D           
If a tinker were my trade       would you still love me?

D             C            G               D               
Carrying the pots I made       following behind me.

 C                               D              G                      D         
Save my love through loneliness,  Save my love for sorrow,

D                 C                     G                   D               
I'm given you my ownliness,     Come give your tomorrow.

D               C              G                   D               
If I worked my hands in wood,    Would you still love me?

D                 C           G                  D              
Answer me babe, "Yes I would,     I'll put you above me."

D            C       G                    D               
If I were a miller,      at a mill wheel grinding,

D                    C                 G                    D           
would you miss your colored box,   your soft shoe shining?

 C                             D                    G                D         
Save my love through loneliness,  Save my love for sorrow,

D                 C              G                         D             
I'm given you my ownliness,     Come give your tomorrow.

D               C          G                      D         
If I.. were a carpenter          and you were a lady,

D                   C            G                              D       
would you marry me anyway?      Would you have my baby?

D                   C            G                              D       
would you marry me anyway?      Would you have my baby?
ارسال شده توسط iman soleymanpour

دیگر ترانه‌های : johnny cash

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  1. amirhosein Saebi

    6 سال پیش

    متن این موسیقی که شما نوشتید برای جانی کش نیست و متن موسیقی ای که جانی کش خونده دو نفرس و دارای پاسخ از طرف جون کارتر کش هستش متن برای فور تاپ و البوم ریچ اوت هستش . ولی ممنون از اینکه باز همینم گذاشتید ( :

1x 2x 3x 4x 5x
